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Social Media Management

Manu Luize Agency was founded by Manu Luize, a content creator for blog and social media.

So, social media management is one of our main core services to help your business grow and stand out online.

From fashion and beauty content creation to publication, we have you covered. Tell us your story and your products and we will create a customised social media marketing strategy for you. Creating content for your social media to share them with your target audience, making your brand reach a wider audience and sell more.


Take a look at some past and present clients on Instagram & Facebook planning:

Social media management in Italy
Social media content in Italy
Social media management in Milan
Content for social media

Take a look at some past and present clients on Pinterest:

Content management for Pinterest
Pinterest management

Manu Luize Agency works with content creation and management for social media. You can chose to have your photos and videos created by our professional team or you can hire us for social media management, publishing photos and videos provided by you.

You can see for yourself our Social Media Photography portfolio.

Contact us and get our proposal for your social media marketing strategy. ✨